The Decluttering Mindset – 5 Ways To Change Your Mind About Clutter

How To Get A Decluttering Mindset

Is your mind telling you that you CAN’T declutter? Here are 5 ways to get into a decluttering mindset so that you can declutter successfully.

Have you ever wanted to declutter but had these thoughts below running in your mind?

“I’ve always been a messy and disorganized person. I can’t change who I am!”

“What’s the point of decluttering? My home will be messy again in no time!”

“Don’t bother decluttering, you’ll never be able to finish the job.”

“Your things are still in perfectly good condition. You’re wasting money if you declutter.”

“I don’t have to declutter. I thrive in disorganized chaos!”

If this sounds familiar, it’s no wonder why you haven’t decluttered or found success in decluttering.

Your mind is literally telling you that you shouldn’t declutter and no good will come out of decluttering.

Do you know the more you tell yourself these things, the more you’ll believe them?

That’s why it’s so important to get rid of these negative thoughts and replace them with a healthy decluttering mindset.

In this post, I’ll share 5 ways you can get into a decluttering mindset so that you can work your way towards building a clutter-free home.

Let’s do this together!

Related decluttering posts:

The Decluttering Mindset - 5 Ways To Change Your Mind About Clutter

What Is A Decluttering Mindset?

Remember the negative thoughts in your head? What if you could replace them with…

“I can’t wait to declutter because I want to create a peaceful home for my family and I.”

“Decluttering is going to help reduce my stress and anxiety.”

“I’m going to save time, energy, and money in the long run if I declutter.”

A decluttering mindset is one that is filled with positive sentiments about decluttering.

With a decluttering mindset, you’ll look forward to decluttering because you are ready to accept all of the benefits that decluttering brings.

Decluttering mindset

5 Simple Ways To Get Into A Decluttering Mindset

1. Accept that decluttering is a journey

Many of us think that decluttering is a one-time thing.

We think we can get rid of everything we don’t want in a day, and our houses will automatically be clutter-free forever!

Well, decluttering doesn’t work like that.

Decluttering is a process that takes time.

After all, it probably took us years to accumulate all of the stuff we have today. It certainly doesn’t make sense to get rid of everything we don’t need or want in a day!

Setting an unrealistic timeline to declutter is only going to add stress and pressure to the task.

Chances are you’re going to feel disappointed and demotivated to declutter before you even begin!

Accept that decluttering is a journey that will take time. Instead of focusing on the outcome, learn to embrace the progress throughout your journey.

Remember, small progress is still progress, and a little progress every day adds up to big results.

2. Decluttering doesn’t mean you have to get rid of every single thing

Many of us assume that decluttering means getting rid of every single thing.

This mindset can put you off from decluttering because you may not be ready to say goodbye to everything you own.

Don’t worry, decluttering doesn’t mean becoming a minimalist overnight.

You can start by getting rid of excess/duplicate things and things you don’t use or need anymore. This is a great first step because it involves discarding things you don’t care about.

Once you feel more comfortable, you can start to declutter other things that require more thought.

Declutter at your own pace, and don’t compare your decluttering journey to someone else’s.

3. Know your why

Decluttering takes a lot of time, energy, and effort. It’s crucial to know why you want to declutter before you even start.

Why do you want to declutter and what do you hope to achieve by decluttering?

Be honest with yourself. The more specific the answer, the better!

Many of us want to declutter because clutter can bring on stress, anxiety, and depression. We want to replace these negative feelings with positive ones like being productive, efficient, and calm.

Additionally, we want to spend less time sorting and organizing our possessions so that we can dedicate more time to doing what we love!

Take the time to envision how you want to feel and how you want your home to look like after decluttering. These are your decluttering goals.

Knowing your why will help you to get into a healthy decluttering mindset.

If you find yourself slipping, make sure to consistently remind yourself of your decluttering goals.

4. Determine why you find decluttering challenging and learn how to overcome these barriers

Truth is, many people find decluttering challenging for different reasons.

Some may find it difficult to declutter because they are too overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.

Meanwhile, some struggle with guilt. They don’t feel good getting rid of gifts or things that are in good condition.

You need to determine why you find decluttering challenging and learn how to overcome these barriers.

Sometimes the easiest way to get into a decluttering mindset is to acknowledge why you find decluttering difficult.

Once you recognize the reasons that hold you back, you can start working on overcoming these obstacles.

5. Learn how to say no

To strengthen your decluttering mindset, you must learn how to say no frequently.

Not only will you have to be firm and say no a lot during the decluttering process, but you must also learn how to say no to new things.

You don’t want to ruin your decluttering progress by buying more stuff!

Learning how to say no will teach you how to be intentional with your purchases. And, this is a great first step towards a minimalist lifestyle.

How to change your mindset on decluttering

Why is it important to have a decluttering mindset?

Decluttering is hard enough as it is. It becomes even more challenging when we don’t believe we can do it.

Having a decluttering mindset helps you to declutter without feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

A decluttering mindset also helps you to get rid of things without having any regret.

That’s because you understand that decluttering will help you to get closer to your goals. Plus, you know how much decluttering will benefit you in the long run!

Frequently Asked Questions

How to declutter when you have too much stuff?

Many people can’t seem to get into a decluttering mindset because they are overwhelmed by how much stuff they have.

Well, don’t worry about how much stuff you have. Or, how much time you’re going to need to declutter.

Use the 5 simple steps above to get a decluttering mindset first. Then, set your decluttering goals and make a decluttering plan.

Need more inspiration? Get motivated by reading these 15 blogs that are loaded with decluttering tips and tricks.

How does decluttering improve your mental health?

Decluttering has so many mental health benefits.

To keep it simple, decluttering helps to:

  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Boosts productivity
  • Improves your mood
  • Gives you better focus
  • Increases confidence
  • Improves overall well-being

Wouldn’t you like to experience all of the above for yourself?

Decluttering mindset - 5 mindset shift


There you go – 5 simple ways to acquire a decluttering mindset that will change your life for the better.

All the best in your decluttering journey! Believe in yourself because you got this!

Don’t forget to share your experience of getting into a decluttering mindset in the comments below.

More decluttering resources here:

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